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       What is a Womens Health Physio?
























Often in the clinic we hear women say 'I didn't even realise there were physio's who treated this!' which is why it is important to understand the role of a women's health physio, so that you know if you may benefit from seeing one.


A Women's Health Physiotherapist: is a physiotherapist who has undergone extra training following their physiotherapy degree, to specialise in the treatment of women, and the conditions that specifically affect women.


These conditions include:

- Pregnancy (all musculoskeletal aches and pains such as pelvic girdle pain, low back and hip pain, wrist pain etc)

- Abdominal separation (during and following pregnancy)

- Incontinence and prolapse (including pessary fitting for prolapse)

- Pelvic floor muscle strengthening programs

- Sexual pain (AKA Dyspareunia) Including the sensation of burning, stinging, tightness or inability to have penetration.


Assessment may include:

- In depth discussion about your symptoms and goals.

- External assessment (looking at the outside of your body to see how your back, hips and pelvis move)

- Internal assessment (examining the muscles and tissues inside of your pelvis) - see more about an internal exam here




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